Shotcrete machine provide a lot of help in our life, shotcreting machine work needs slurry, conditioning of the slurry also need to pay attention to a lot of matters, to avoid the jet engine in the pr
The possible accessories of the dry shotcreter machine including those: water pressure booster pump Another popular piece of equipment is a water pressure booster pump. This pump, fairly small and po
Shotcrete machine, then known as gunite machine, was invented in 1907 by American taxidermist Carl Akeley to repair the crumbling facade of the Field Columbian Museum in Chicago (the old Palace of Fin
I believe that many need to use concrete spraying machine friends all know, in the purchase of concrete spraying machine when given by manufacturers to extend the service life of concrete spraying mac
Shotcrete machine in the daily construction that was often used to, spraying machine also has a classification here for the main structure and performance under dry shotcrete machine, and dry that is
The service life of shotcrete machine is to do maintenance work. But extend the service life of concrete spraying machine, only to do maintenance work is not enough, but to adhere to the three points
©China Mining&Construction Equipment Co., Ltd. © 2016
Address:No. 11, North of Kaiyuan Road, High-tech Zone, Jining City, Shandong Province, China
Executive Editor:Zhang Wen